We carry within us tremendous riches,
as well as legacies of trauma and heartbreak.
The world is calling us to heal our wounds and harvest the best within us! Join the growing global movement of people working to heal ourselves, our lineages, and our communities at this critical time.
Wounds into Wisdom contains a call to action to transform our family's trauma legacies. Weaving contemporary neuroscience, psychology, and ancient Jewish wisdom and values, this book provides a roadmap for Jews and all people with trauma history, who wish to seize the power to change their lives.
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Narrated by the Author
Release Date: September 26, 2023
“Wounds into Wisdom is for anyone who has suffered trauma, either directly or in a family whose generational trauma is buried. It helps readers uncover suffering and use it to help others―the final stage of healing…”
—Gloria Steinem
Paperback Edition with Forward by Gabor Maté and Readers Guide
New Release 2022
Ancestral Healing
Wisdom Circle
for Practitioners
Spiritual Leadership
Inherited Wounds: Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone on Ancestral Healing
An interview in Psychology Today